Tuesday, March 8, 2016

PointlessBlog gets interrupted!

Hey! It's that guy from Pointlessblog on Youtube, what's his name now? uhm. Alfie? Yes, that's it. He looks out of place somehow, don't you think, or is it just me?

Now I know! It's IISuperwomanII's place!

Didn't think I would figure it out, eh?

Shh. Don't say anything.

No need to get upset I know how frustrating it is when people interrupt you.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Jacksepticeye's taking advantage of the girly room!

That's Jack! - or well, Sean - but you know, as in jacksepticeye!

But... That room looks reall girly, not that guys can't have a room like that, but i feel like I have seen it somewhere else or rather with someone else.

Well he's taking advantage of the situation.

Yes, defiantly taking full advantage! Let's leave those two (or three) alone...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

That's defiantly pewdiepie but where is he?

That's defiantly pewds but I don't remember that wallpaper. I know he's Swedish and all but I think I would remember if he had moose, or is it a reindeer wallpaper? Hey! Never said I knew animal species but what I know for sure is that, THAT is not pewd's place or well I haven't exactly been there but you know what I mean!

No! You can't trick me!